An email advertisement for Regus was sent to me last week. It was titled...
“What does your office space say about your business?”While I am not looking for office space outside of my home, I do think Regus has a great concept. And they are right...
“First impressions count. Your office needs to reflect your ambition.”
You may not need to meet clients in your home, so you don’t need to impress them with a fancy office. However, you need to like your home office environment enough to keep YOU showing up every day. You also want to feel good enough to give a great impression over the phone. People can hear your tude! Smile when you are phone prospecting, and even pace back and forth in your room if that gives you more mental energy. Who cares…no one will see you pacing.
KISS. Keep It Simple (you know who). Gather everything you need together, and hit the ground running. You need to begin RIGHT AWAY building a professional reputation with your customers, prospects, and colleagues.
GET DRESSED! I know your robe and bunny slippers are comfy, but for heaven’s sake, get dressed. You don’t have to be in a suit and tie, but studies show that you will work more effectively if you are dressed and ready for work.
A PRIVATE SPACE to focus is one of the best places to begin. Get rid of distractions. TV off. Light music in background? Up to you, as long as it helps you and doesn’t distract you, and it shouldn't be so loud that people on the phone can hear it. No kids in the room please during peak working hours. Felix and Rover are Ok if they are calm and quiet.
ARRANGE a comfortable desk or table and a chair where you can sit up straight. No lounging on the sofa or in bed. Get your computer set up, along with a phone, paper, pens, headset, calendar, map, etc. Whatever tech level you are comfortable with, get those tools ready before you get on the phone with anyone.
KEEP IT neat! Or at least make sure you can find your phone under all of the papers. Organize files. Label bins. Keep clutter off your desk as well as the floor. You don't want to trip on the way to answering the door for the UPS Man.
NOT EVERYONE is comfortable working from home, especially if you are used to showing up at the office or punching in somewhere at 8:00 every day. If you have trouble getting started each morning, find something to start your day. Something to wake you up in addition to that great morning cup of coffee to jar your brain and get you going. A work related or motivational webinar is a great beginning point. An exercise routine is great for some. (Not me.)
SET A SCHEDULE and start there, even if you deviate from that during the course of the day. (I know you’ll stop to eat lunch, go to the bathroom and pet your dog, but just resist the urge to turn on a game show.)
SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME during working hours on non-income earning activities? Are you rearranging your desk over and over and sharpening pencils six times? Are you shopping for office supplies that you don’t really need? Do that, but don’t make a day of it! Figure out what it is that actually earns you money in your business. (Making calls, meeting with prospects.)
SETTING GOALS sounds old fashioned, doesn’t it? Do it anyway! They don’t have to be grand to start. Start small. How many people will you call for your business today? How many will you email for your business today? How many yes’s will you get today? How many people from yesterday, will you follow up on today? Set your goals and attain them before you stop working for the day.
TRACK your activities and your progress. Whether you track on an Excel Sheet, in Salesforce, or in a plain old ledger book, find a way to keep track. This will help jog your memory every morning to begin anew.
THIS MAY NOT be like a regular job, but this is YOUR NEW BUSINESS, right? Are your intentions to make it a success? Then focus on that idea, and show yourself that you are taking it seriously. BOOM.
If you’re still searching for a home-based business, contact me for a superb idea! Our business keeps you moving, not just sitting at home all day. YOU report to YOU, and you have all of the support you can handle. Men, women, young and old, this can be for you.
Send me an email with your full name, email address and cell number to find out more: [email protected]
You’ll be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself.
Email me a picture of your great Home Office, tell me what you do for a living, and I’ll post my favorite picture next time!
“What does your office space say about your business?”While I am not looking for office space outside of my home, I do think Regus has a great concept. And they are right...
“First impressions count. Your office needs to reflect your ambition.”
You may not need to meet clients in your home, so you don’t need to impress them with a fancy office. However, you need to like your home office environment enough to keep YOU showing up every day. You also want to feel good enough to give a great impression over the phone. People can hear your tude! Smile when you are phone prospecting, and even pace back and forth in your room if that gives you more mental energy. Who cares…no one will see you pacing.
KISS. Keep It Simple (you know who). Gather everything you need together, and hit the ground running. You need to begin RIGHT AWAY building a professional reputation with your customers, prospects, and colleagues.
GET DRESSED! I know your robe and bunny slippers are comfy, but for heaven’s sake, get dressed. You don’t have to be in a suit and tie, but studies show that you will work more effectively if you are dressed and ready for work.
A PRIVATE SPACE to focus is one of the best places to begin. Get rid of distractions. TV off. Light music in background? Up to you, as long as it helps you and doesn’t distract you, and it shouldn't be so loud that people on the phone can hear it. No kids in the room please during peak working hours. Felix and Rover are Ok if they are calm and quiet.
ARRANGE a comfortable desk or table and a chair where you can sit up straight. No lounging on the sofa or in bed. Get your computer set up, along with a phone, paper, pens, headset, calendar, map, etc. Whatever tech level you are comfortable with, get those tools ready before you get on the phone with anyone.
KEEP IT neat! Or at least make sure you can find your phone under all of the papers. Organize files. Label bins. Keep clutter off your desk as well as the floor. You don't want to trip on the way to answering the door for the UPS Man.
NOT EVERYONE is comfortable working from home, especially if you are used to showing up at the office or punching in somewhere at 8:00 every day. If you have trouble getting started each morning, find something to start your day. Something to wake you up in addition to that great morning cup of coffee to jar your brain and get you going. A work related or motivational webinar is a great beginning point. An exercise routine is great for some. (Not me.)
SET A SCHEDULE and start there, even if you deviate from that during the course of the day. (I know you’ll stop to eat lunch, go to the bathroom and pet your dog, but just resist the urge to turn on a game show.)
SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME during working hours on non-income earning activities? Are you rearranging your desk over and over and sharpening pencils six times? Are you shopping for office supplies that you don’t really need? Do that, but don’t make a day of it! Figure out what it is that actually earns you money in your business. (Making calls, meeting with prospects.)
SETTING GOALS sounds old fashioned, doesn’t it? Do it anyway! They don’t have to be grand to start. Start small. How many people will you call for your business today? How many will you email for your business today? How many yes’s will you get today? How many people from yesterday, will you follow up on today? Set your goals and attain them before you stop working for the day.
TRACK your activities and your progress. Whether you track on an Excel Sheet, in Salesforce, or in a plain old ledger book, find a way to keep track. This will help jog your memory every morning to begin anew.
THIS MAY NOT be like a regular job, but this is YOUR NEW BUSINESS, right? Are your intentions to make it a success? Then focus on that idea, and show yourself that you are taking it seriously. BOOM.
If you’re still searching for a home-based business, contact me for a superb idea! Our business keeps you moving, not just sitting at home all day. YOU report to YOU, and you have all of the support you can handle. Men, women, young and old, this can be for you.
Send me an email with your full name, email address and cell number to find out more: [email protected]
You’ll be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself.
Email me a picture of your great Home Office, tell me what you do for a living, and I’ll post my favorite picture next time!